Together We Grow

As you get better, so do we. We’re here to take you from where you are to where you would like to be.


What We Treat


Whether you are suffering from back pain or knee pain, pain when you are moving or pain when you are still, old pain or a new pain, we will work together to fix the cause.
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Therapists at Kauno are experienced and knowledgeable in treating all types of orthopedic dysfunction and injury. We cater to patients of all ages, backgrounds, skill sets and body types.


How We Do It



Using the top modalities, protocols and strategies available to Physical Therapy and beyond.


Virtual Services



Sometimes it’s difficult to accommodate an in-person appointment. Whether you’re traveling, dealing with a busy schedule, or simply looking for convenience, our physical therapists and trainers are available to you no matter your location.


Ways To Pay




Out of pocket payments are easy and straightforward. Card or cash - physical or digital, we’ll standardize your payment process so we can get to work.


insurance COVERAGE

We accept most insurance plans. You pay your standard co-pay for physical therapy. We make it as simple as possible and take care of the bulk of the paperwork for you.